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Industrial Mixing

Clarification Process in Water Treatment | Role Of Agitators

Water treatment is a complex yet vital process that ensures the water we consume is safe and free from impurities. At the heart of this process lies clarification—a series of meticulous steps that purify water by eliminating contaminants and particles, making it clearer and fit for consumption. The clarification process initiates with the addition of essential chemicals like coagulants and flocculants into the water. Coagulants, such as aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride, act by neutralizing the charge on suspended particles, causing them to clump together or coagulate. Subsequently, flocculants, typically polymers, bind these coagulated particles into larger, heavier masses known as flocs. Once this chemical reaction is complete, the water moves into a settling tank or basin. Here, gravity plays

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waste water ref 1
Dynamix Products

Water Treatment at City of Anamosa – Mixer Solution Case Study

At Dynamix, working with the North American water treatment industry is a big part of what we do, providing mixers for various applications in the water treatment process.  In many installations, a custom solution is required. One such project was with the City of Anamosa’s water treatment plant and their need to upgrade their current mixers in their process. Looking for a new mixer with the goal to find a more durable and efficient mixer, the water plant superintendent Jim (Henson) was tasked with.  After doing an extensive search online for a solution, he was fortunate to find Dynamix, “…I was very lucky when I was searching on line and decided to call Dynamix and after talking to the sales

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mixing for dissolved air floatation
Mixer Configuration

Mixing for Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF Systems)

Coagulation, flocculation and flotation systems Dynamix is often called on for its process experience in many industries because the mixer is at the heart of these processes.  DAF systems are used across many industries with many unique requirements which Dynamix is familiar with. There really isn’t a one size fits all or a configuration template that works for all processes when it comes to DAF systems. Ideally, the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) process is used for thickening of combined primary and secondary sludge removing low-density materials such as microorganisms (algae, cysts), natural organic matter (NOM) and floc in low turbidity, soft waters (typically using coagulation and flocculation). Typically, DAF systems are a faster and more reliable alternative to sedimentation in the clarification

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waste water treatment
Mixer Configuration

Anoxic and Aerobic MBBR Mixing

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR Mixing Process Anoxic & Aerobic MBBR Mixing Proper mixing within anoxic and anaerobic MBBR zones can improve the bioorganic nutrient conversion processes, minimize operational footprint, reduce energy costs and improve water treatment efficiency. The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) or IFAS (Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge) technologies are now more commonly used to maximize the efficiency in treating wastewater from industrial applications that produce high concentrations of BOD, COD and TSS. This newly adopted technology has become more efficient than traditional biological wastewater treatment processes capable of achieving nearly complete nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen (NOX-N) reduction. It also reduces water treatment plants footprint by minimizing stages previously required to filter BOD from biosolids. The MBBR Process In short, MBBR is

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water treatment plant
Industrial Mixing

Waste Activated Sludge Mixing Principles

Why Is Sludge Blending Important? For many industrial wastewater treatment facilities, sludge accounts for as much as 30-40% of capital costs and about 50% of the operating costs due to the complex nature of processes involved to curb by-product waste. The sludge or “bio solids” left over can be refined into nitrate based fertilizers/ compost, chemical bio-fuels or other natural resources. Sludge biosolids can also be further dewatered for post processing and disposal purposes and because of the many products that can be economically produced; the sludge process is a true bio-refinery. Many water treatment plants focus on improved quality within their operations of sludge handling and mixing equipment selection. Sludge viscosities have an influence on e.g. pumping, hydrodynamics, mass transfer

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pH Scale
Industrial Mixing

pH, Alkalinity & Mixing within Reaction Times

Understanding the pH values and alkalinity of a mixture is critically important in many industries, but especially in the water and wastewater treatment industry. This article will highlight appropriate mixing times as well as the affect on reaction times. 3 What IS PH AND ALKALINITY? Industrial waste and water sources contain impurities that range in chemical, physical and biological characterizations and depending on what stages or processes the water undergoes we measure how acidic or alkaline water is by using the pH scale.  Generally, water is considered neutral when the concentrations of hydrogen ion [H+] and hydroxide ion [H3O+] are the same where the pH scale would read “pH 7”. The pH value is calculated as the negative logarithm concentration

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