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Oil Sands Innovation
Water Treatment

Alberta Oil Sands Inspire Industry Innovation

Oil Sands Water Treatment New Technology Promises Continuous and Sustainable Improvement Responsible development of the Alberta oil sands reveals complex challenges that are driving technological innovation across the country. These innovations are key to continuous performance improvements in the industry. Canadian businesses are developing solutions to challenges both new and old, and are helping to establish Canada as a world leader in tailings reclamation, water treatment and liquids storage. Tailings Reclamation A byproduct of oil sands processing plants, tailings consist of clay and other process effluents mixed with water. The resulting solution is contained near the production in tailing ponds that pose great and growing concerns about the impact on the environment. ElectroKinetic Solutions Inc. (EKS), has developed a patented

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toilet to tap water
Water Treatment

Has ‘Toilet to Tap’ Reached the Tipping Point in North America?

Has ‘Toilet to Tap’ Reached the Tipping Point in North America? LIMITED ACCEPTANCE WHEN IT COMES TO WASTEWATER Public outcry led to the derailment of Los Angeles’ $55M water reuse program in 2000. At the time, the program would have helped supply water to over 120k households. Wastewater reuse programs suffer from a severe public relations problem; people just don’t want to drink water that was once in a toilet. Dubbed ‘toilet to tap’ by its critics, wastewater reuse programs worldwide have had difficulty overcoming the ‘yuck factor’ and gaining traction from the general public. Like Los Angeles, San Diego similarly rejected a water reuse project in 1999. Moving forward to 2008, San Diego has now successfully implemented a new

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Water Treatment

Bookmarks: Blue Planet Run

Bookmarks: Blue Planet Run The Race to Provide Safe Drinking Water to the World By Rick Smolan and Jennifer Erwitt This stunning coffee table book is filled with both thought-provoking essays and stunning photos, many of which were highlighted in a special feature in Time Magazine.   Publisher’s Description: Blue Planet Run provides readers with an extraordinary look at the water problems facing humanity and some of the hopeful solutions being pursued by large and small companies, by entrepreneurs and activists, and by nongovernmental organizations and foundations. By the end of the book, readers are left to form their own conclusions as to if and how the human race can solve this global crisis before it’s too late. Blue Planet

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