mixing matters blog

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Racing Car vs Semi Truck Torque Image
Industrial Mixing

Why Dynamix Focuses on Torque When Designing Mixers

At Dynamix we focus on torque as opposed to horsepower when designing our mixers. Torque is a parameter which is preferable in mixing. By using larger diameter impellers and higher gear ratios, higher torque is produced, and more efficient mixing can be obtained. This can be done without using a high horsepower motor and high mixer speeds (RPM). What is torque and horsepower? Horsepower is equal to the RPM times Torque, divided by 5252. Therefore, lower RPM gives higher torque at the same power.   A simple way to think about torque versus horsepower, is to imagine a Semi Truck and a Formula 1 racing car.   These vehicles, the truck and car, are known to have the largest towing

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Electric vs Air Motors in Mixers
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: Air vs. Electric

5 FACTORS FOR OPTIMAL MOTOR SELECTION Air or electric? End users often don’t understand all the factors to consider when making the decision to use an air motor vs. an electric motor in their mixer configuration. While a mixer’s motor type is largely determined by the plant environment, the value of considering several important factors is substantial when each consideration point is thoroughly understood. A proper understanding of torque, energy efficiency, variable speed, mixing environment, and mixer weight are all significant and valuable considerations to discuss when selecting an appropriate motor. In a real-world example, our engineers leveraged these factors when working with a leading car manufacturer, and the decision to make a wholesale change within their production environment not

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Quality Mixing
Mixer Configuration

Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification – Part 2

Clarification on Flocculation In our previous article, Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification Part 1, we looked at how to optimize a mixer for the unit process of coagulation. In wastewater treatment, coagulation is normally followed by flocculation. While coagulation is used to destabilize and agglomerate suspended waste particles, flocculation brings the colloids out of suspension in the form of floc, and allows the particles to be more readily removed from the water stream. In this article, we will examine the process of flocculation, the flocculator mixer, and how mixer parameters change to achieve the desired result. Flocculation Following the coagulation of destabilized microscopic particles in wastewater, the process of flocculation encourages the newly formed micro-floc to stick together, making even larger clumps

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Mixing in water treatment
Mixer Configuration

Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification – Part 1

Clarification on Coagulation Clarification of water using coagulating agents has been practiced since ancient times. The use of alum as a coagulant dates back to the Romans around 77 AD, and by 1757, England was using alum for coagulation in municipal water treatment. This clarification process remains essential in various water treatment disciplines today. In the modern water treatment plant, the use of coagulants to treat wastewater are better understood, which has led to significant optimization of process equipment and chemistry. Coagulation and flocculation are two common unit processes that are designed to remove very small particulate matter by forcing them to clump or stick together so that they will settle out and be removed from the wastewater as “sludge”.

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Torque Explain Diagram
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Torque and the Art of Mixing

What is torque… and what does it have to do with mixing? Selecting a mixer drive with a high horsepower rating doesn’t guarantee a satisfactory result in your application, and it doesn’t necessarily translate into a more powerful mixer either. Horsepower is merely a measurement of the rate at which work is done – or how much input power a motor has. Simply throwing more horsepower at an application may make a mixer’s impeller turn faster, but it will also drive down efficiency, negatively impact your budget, and can even damage your product through shear. If the driving force of a mixer is rotational, then horsepower is secondary to torque as the force that drives the pumping and performs the

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Mixing Principles in Play

Principles In Play: Rotors from Sea to Sky

Principles In Play: Rotors from Sea to Sky Rotors in Relation to Torque In September’s newsletter we talked about how the right propeller selection can ensure success on those annual fishing trips. This month, things are “looking up” with a brief discussion about the rotors that provide lift and direction to helicopters. With our head office in the coastal city of Vancouver, we often see helicopters heading toward the coastal mountains or vast forests. They’re used routinely by coast guards and other search and rescue teams , including the fire-fighters who battled the forest fires that plagued us this past summer in the BC interior. Most helicopters use two types of rotors. The main rotor, located on top of the

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