mixing matters blog

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Torque Explain Diagram
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Torque and the Art of Mixing

What is torque… and what does it have to do with mixing? Selecting a mixer drive with a high horsepower rating doesn’t guarantee a satisfactory result in your application, and it doesn’t necessarily translate into a more powerful mixer either. Horsepower is merely a measurement of the rate at which work is done – or how much input power a motor has. Simply throwing more horsepower at an application may make a mixer’s impeller turn faster, but it will also drive down efficiency, negatively impact your budget, and can even damage your product through shear. If the driving force of a mixer is rotational, then horsepower is secondary to torque as the force that drives the pumping and performs the

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Knowing Your Application
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: The Importance of Specific Gravity

What is Specific Gravity? And why do we ask for it… Next to viscosity, specific gravity is a separate but equally important factor in optimizing a mixer. Without factoring this measurement into your mixer design, your results would not reach product specification. What is Specific Gravity? The term “Specific Gravity” (SG) is used to define the weight or density of a liquid as compared to the density of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature. The temperature used for measurement is usually 39.2oF (4oC), because this temperature allows water to assume its maximum density. In the metric system, water has a density of 1 gram/ml, so density and SG are numerically equal. If the liquid you are comparing

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Mixer Configuration Application
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Optimal Mixer Design

4 FACTORS FOR OPTIMAL CONFIGURATION Getting the right mixer for the job involves so much more than simply purchasing a standard unit off-the-shelf. There is an art to configuring a mixer that will optimize the results of an application. Selecting a mixer based solely on horsepower or RPM requirements can produce less than optimal results, and even damage your product through excessive shear. As we discussed in an earlier post, we first need to understand the 4 Factors for Configuring a Mixer, which are: Tank Type & Volume Fluid Viscosity Specific Gravity Environment & Process Once a Dynamix Sales Engineer understands these factors in relation to your application needs, we are ready to configure a mixer that will both maximize your investment

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Nitrifying Bacteria
Mixer Configuration

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification in Water Treatment Simply adding bacteria to a wastewater plant does not guarantee that they will achieve the targeted task of denitrification. To encourage their growth, it is essential to first establish an anoxic environment, and then introduce an anoxic mixer that has been optimized specifically for the process. The Denitrification Process Denitrification in wastewater treatment is the conversion of nitrate (N03) to nitrogen gas (N2). It is a process that involves the reduction of nitrogen present in waste streams to an acceptable level so the treated water can be discharged into the environment via streams, ponds, lakes, etc. Lowering nitrate levels in a waste stream is achieved through creating an anoxic environment in which heterotrophic

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Drive Cyclo
Dynamix Products

DMX Series Featuring the Cyclo Drive

DMX Series Featuring the Cyclo Drive SM Cyclo Drive for Maximum Torque Reliability & Performance The unmatched power and durability of the innovative DMX Series portable mixer begins with the Cyclodial Speed Reducer, or “Cyclo® Drive”, at the heart of the design. The Sumitomo Cyclo® Drive is unique and is unsurpassed by any other inline drive available in the market today. Cyclo® drive geared motors are characterized by their reliability, long service life and outstanding efficiency, even in the most severe applications. By using the Cyclo® Drive, the DMX Series is able to withstand shock loads exceeding 500% of their rating and transmit load distribution uniformly over the power transmitting components. The Power of Rolling Compression The key to Cyclo® Drive’s matchless

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Polymer Activation
Dynamix Products

Optimizing Polymer Mixing in Water and Wastewater Treatment

Optimizing Polymer Mixing in Water and Wastewater Treatment A major concern in water and wastewater treatment processes is identifying the most effective and efficient way to remove solid particles and other materials found in the liquid stream. The most effective method of eliminating unwanted contaminants is through the use of polymers in a sludge-creating process. Polymers are used to coagulate suspended solids and produce large curds of solid materials (floc) which are more easily removed from the water treatment stream. Polymers are available in a variety of forms and concentrations and are supplied as either dry powders or concentrated liquids.  Each variation presents unique challenges when sizing mixers. Dry Polymers: Polymers supplied in powder form must be wetted out which

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