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coal mining dump truck
Coal Mining

Industrial Mixer Reliability and Longevity – A Case Study

One of Dynamix’s business pillars is to produce quality products that are reliable and have longevity. We consistently see repeat customer orders for products that have been in service for 12-30 years, or more. One such customer has reordered an Industrial Agitator that has served them for over 15 years. This one came in for a rebuild in perfect working order. Application: Germanium Releach Reduction  Model: NMX-7-23-30 30HP @ 79rpm, Single 48” P4 impeller mounted on a 4” Sch 40 pipe shaft 152” long   Application Details: Application: Germanium Slurry,  Viscosity: 100cps S.G. 1.6 S  Solid size  9.2um  Solid Conc: 40%  This industrial mixer is meant to be used when mining coking coal. This type of coal was generally shipped to smelters to be used to make steel, and by our

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fracking process
Industrial Mixing

Fracking and Mixer Use

In Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing: the process of mining oil or natural gas in geologic formation underground, specifically gas locked in pores of rocks like shale, the mixing of fracking fluid plays an essential role in the mining process.  Dynamix is proud to provide an efficient mixer system which makes this process more economical.  The dynamic coupling technology is ideal for this process and will be explained here. Fracking, in simple terms, drills a hole down vertically on average 1.5 miles, then after making at 90 degree turn, then drill horizontally at a distance, at times longer than even the vertical distance drilled. The next step is to open up many holes in the horizontal section of the pipe.  After,

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Wastewater Mixers in Water Treatment
Mixer Configuration

Selecting Wastewater Mixers for Wastewater Treatment – Part 1

Selecting Wastewater Mixers for Wastewater Treatment – Part 1 Wastewater Mixers for Optimal Chemical Preparation Chemical preparation in wastewater and water treatment directly impacts many downstream processes. Let’s take a look at several common chemicals used and some key factors that influence their preparation and the selection of wastewater mixers. Lime Slurry Preparation When preparing lime slurries for controlling pH, uniformity is critical. Why? Because lime solids must reach/stay in suspension if they are to serve their purpose in downstream processes. For this reason, it’s essential that wastewater and water treatment facilities have lime slurry mixers that can efficiently and effectively make up/maintain uniform slurries. In order to successfully suspend/re-suspend solids, a mixer needs to create a flow pattern that involves the entire

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Dynaflow High Efficiency Impeller Flow Pattern
Mixer Configuration

Selecting A Waste Water Mixer for Wastewater Treatment – Part 2

Selecting A Waste Water Mixer for Wastewater Treatment – Part 2 Waste Water Mixers for Optimal Flash Mixing & Flocculation In part 1 of this series on wastewater and water treatment mixers, we discussed how to select a waste water mixer for chemical preparation. In this post, we’ll show you how to select a Waste Water Mixer for flash mixing and flocculation. Done in a Flash? Aggressive Agitation + Speed for Flash Mixing Flash mixing is used to evenly distribute coagulating chemicals in water, allowing micro-flocs to form. As the precursor to flocculation, flash mixing increases the efficiency of flocculation and reduces chemical wastage. Because the components need to be quickly and evenly dispersed, this process is all about brute

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Polymer Activation
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer Considering Mixer Configuration If you’re in an industry that includes fluid mixing in its processes, you probably know that finding the right fluid mixer for your needs is critical to maintaining quality control, reducing costs, and optimizing efficiency. The key here is to engineer a fluid mixer that addresses the specific needs of your process. When configuring a mixer for your process, your mixing engineer should consider the following 4 factors: Factor #1 – Tank Type & Volume This determines the amount of fluid your tank can hold. This is important because it will determine the size and position of the fluid mixer and its mounting. Factor #2 – Viscosity This

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