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Quality Mixing
Mixer Configuration

Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification – Part 2

Clarification on Flocculation In our previous article, Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification Part 1, we looked at how to optimize a mixer for the unit process of coagulation. In wastewater treatment, coagulation is normally followed by flocculation. While coagulation is used to destabilize and agglomerate suspended waste particles, flocculation brings the colloids out of suspension in the form of floc, and allows the particles to be more readily removed from the water stream. In this article, we will examine the process of flocculation, the flocculator mixer, and how mixer parameters change to achieve the desired result. Flocculation Following the coagulation of destabilized microscopic particles in wastewater, the process of flocculation encourages the newly formed micro-floc to stick together, making even larger clumps

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Mixing in water treatment
Mixer Configuration

Agitator Design for Wastewater Clarification – Part 1

Clarification on Coagulation Clarification of water using coagulating agents has been practiced since ancient times. The use of alum as a coagulant dates back to the Romans around 77 AD, and by 1757, England was using alum for coagulation in municipal water treatment. This clarification process remains essential in various water treatment disciplines today. In the modern water treatment plant, the use of coagulants to treat wastewater are better understood, which has led to significant optimization of process equipment and chemistry. Coagulation and flocculation are two common unit processes that are designed to remove very small particulate matter by forcing them to clump or stick together so that they will settle out and be removed from the wastewater as “sludge”.

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P4 Pitch Impeller Flow Pattern
Mixer Configuration

Flash Mixing with a Rapid Mixer

Flash Mixing in Water Treatment The water treatment process truly begins with a very brief turn in a flash mixing chamber. After screening out debris and testing raw water, chemicals that encourage coagulation are added to the water stream. The mixture is agitated quickly and thoroughly in a process called flash mixing. The chemicals introduced into the water stream will attract any very fine particles, such as silt, that will not readily settle or filter out and make them clump together. These larger, heavier formations are called floc, which are much easier to remove from the water. Flocculation Preparation In the case of the flocculation process, the rapid mixer is specifically designed to disperse polymers so they enhance flocculation by optimizing

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Torque Explain Diagram
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Torque and the Art of Mixing

What is torque… and what does it have to do with mixing? Selecting a mixer drive with a high horsepower rating doesn’t guarantee a satisfactory result in your application, and it doesn’t necessarily translate into a more powerful mixer either. Horsepower is merely a measurement of the rate at which work is done – or how much input power a motor has. Simply throwing more horsepower at an application may make a mixer’s impeller turn faster, but it will also drive down efficiency, negatively impact your budget, and can even damage your product through shear. If the driving force of a mixer is rotational, then horsepower is secondary to torque as the force that drives the pumping and performs the

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Mixer Configuration Application
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Optimal Mixer Design

4 FACTORS FOR OPTIMAL CONFIGURATION Getting the right mixer for the job involves so much more than simply purchasing a standard unit off-the-shelf. There is an art to configuring a mixer that will optimize the results of an application. Selecting a mixer based solely on horsepower or RPM requirements can produce less than optimal results, and even damage your product through excessive shear. As we discussed in an earlier post, we first need to understand the 4 Factors for Configuring a Mixer, which are: Tank Type & Volume Fluid Viscosity Specific Gravity Environment & Process Once a Dynamix Sales Engineer understands these factors in relation to your application needs, we are ready to configure a mixer that will both maximize your investment

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Inspecting Pedestal Mount on Industrial Mixer
Dynamix Products

The History of Dynamix Agitators Inc.

Our Way of Doing Business Way back in 1962, a young man sold his first mixer ~ and a life-long passion for the design and engineering of industrial mixers was born… Established in the early 1970s, Dynamix Agitators initially operated as a pump and mixer distributor under the name Industrial Pumps & Mixers. Through many years of working on large projects with leading mixer manufacturers, the company developed a strong understanding of the science behind industrial mixing, and a deeper understanding of the key pain points that customers faced. In an industry not known for rapid innovation, Dynamix leveraged decades of engineering expertise to develop an innovative new line of mixers that addressed the common limitations seen throughout the mixing industry. From process, to

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