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Mixing matters blog - Covering any topic involving industrial mixers and utility mixers

waste water ref 1
Dynamix Products

Water Treatment at City of Anamosa – Mixer Solution Case Study

At Dynamix, working with the North American water treatment industry is a big part of what we do, providing mixers for various applications in the water treatment process.  In many installations, a custom solution is required. One such project was with the City of Anamosa’s water treatment plant and their need to upgrade their current mixers in their process. Looking for a new mixer with the goal to find a more durable and efficient mixer, the water plant superintendent Jim (Henson) was tasked with.  After doing an extensive search online for a solution, he was fortunate to find Dynamix, “…I was very lucky when I was searching on line and decided to call Dynamix and after talking to the sales

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Mixer Configuration Application
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Optimal Mixer Design

4 FACTORS FOR OPTIMAL CONFIGURATION Getting the right mixer for the job involves so much more than simply purchasing a standard unit off-the-shelf. There is an art to configuring a mixer that will optimize the results of an application. Selecting a mixer based solely on horsepower or RPM requirements can produce less than optimal results, and even damage your product through excessive shear. As we discussed in an earlier post, we first need to understand the 4 Factors for Configuring a Mixer, which are: Tank Type & Volume Fluid Viscosity Specific Gravity Environment & Process Once a Dynamix Sales Engineer understands these factors in relation to your application needs, we are ready to configure a mixer that will both maximize your investment

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Nitrifying Bacteria
Mixer Configuration

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification in Water Treatment Simply adding bacteria to a wastewater plant does not guarantee that they will achieve the targeted task of denitrification. To encourage their growth, it is essential to first establish an anoxic environment, and then introduce an anoxic mixer that has been optimized specifically for the process. The Denitrification Process Denitrification in wastewater treatment is the conversion of nitrate (N03) to nitrogen gas (N2). It is a process that involves the reduction of nitrogen present in waste streams to an acceptable level so the treated water can be discharged into the environment via streams, ponds, lakes, etc. Lowering nitrate levels in a waste stream is achieved through creating an anoxic environment in which heterotrophic

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Polymer Activation
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer Considering Mixer Configuration If you’re in an industry that includes fluid mixing in its processes, you probably know that finding the right fluid mixer for your needs is critical to maintaining quality control, reducing costs, and optimizing efficiency. The key here is to engineer a fluid mixer that addresses the specific needs of your process. When configuring a mixer for your process, your mixing engineer should consider the following 4 factors: Factor #1 – Tank Type & Volume This determines the amount of fluid your tank can hold. This is important because it will determine the size and position of the fluid mixer and its mounting. Factor #2 – Viscosity This

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salad dressing
Industrial Mixing

Identifying Mixing Opportunities

Identifying Mixing Opportunities Mixing, Like Oil & Vinegar… To identify potential mixer applications for liquid products, consider the composition of oil and vinegar salad dressing, as it depicts the two greatest challenges addressed by mixing: separation of non-miscible fluids and the settling of solids. Settling & Separation Any liquid that separates or settles over time is an opportunity for a mixer application. For these liquids, which are known as non-homogeneous, maintaining their uniformity is critical to maintaining their quality. If a product isn’t brought into uniformity in production, or just before it’s used, the quality of that product is lost. That’s why oil and vinegar salad dressings need to be shaken before consumption. Without shaking, you’d have to eat the

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