mixing matters blog

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Mixing matters blog - Covering any topic involving industrial mixers and utility mixers

Low RPM, High Torque Mixer
Mixing 101

Keeping Your Solids in Suspension

Optimized Solids Suspension Applications Achieving a uniform dispersion of solids in a product is critical to your product’s quality. In processes that mix solids in fluid, particulates that cannot dissolve in liquids will either sink to the bottom of the tank and collect in the corners, or stick together and agglomerate. This compromises product uniformity (product quality), and in extreme cases, can cause a system to malfunction or fail. The main objectives of solid and liquid solutions are: Avoiding solids accumulation in a stirred tank Maximizing the contact area between solids in a liquid Ensuring the solid particles are uniformly distributed throughout the tank The goal is to bring the mixture into specification and keep it there. This means keeping

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Gravy Image
Mixing 101

Mixing at Home: What Do Gravy and Mixing Have In Common?

The Secret to Great Gravy? Thinking In Terms of “Good Mixing” Is there anything better at turning a good holiday meal into a truly great one than a lake of delicious gravy? We have all been caught us all off guard by lumpy, pasty tasting gravy at least once. Usually after we have already covered our turkey and mashed potatoes with it. Thick, rich, and flavourful gravy doesn’t come easy, but properly mixing dry powders with liquids is a simple concept that just takes a little finesse to perfect. If you think about making gravy in terms of “good mixing” you can’t go wrong. First, you only need about 1/4-1/3 cup of holiday bird or roast drippings, being careful to

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salad dressing
Industrial Mixing

Identifying Mixing Opportunities

Identifying Mixing Opportunities Mixing, Like Oil & Vinegar… To identify potential mixer applications for liquid products, consider the composition of oil and vinegar salad dressing, as it depicts the two greatest challenges addressed by mixing: separation of non-miscible fluids and the settling of solids. Settling & Separation Any liquid that separates or settles over time is an opportunity for a mixer application. For these liquids, which are known as non-homogeneous, maintaining their uniformity is critical to maintaining their quality. If a product isn’t brought into uniformity in production, or just before it’s used, the quality of that product is lost. That’s why oil and vinegar salad dressings need to be shaken before consumption. Without shaking, you’d have to eat the

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tank design baffles and no baffles
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: Baffled by Baffles?

Mixing 101: Baffled by Baffles? How Baffle Configuration Can Optimize Industrial Mixing In our previous posting on configuring your mixer, we learned that the tank type and volume, viscosity, specific gravity and the process are key factors the mixing process. In this article, we dive into how baffle configuration and mixer mounting can prevent the undesirable flow pattern of swirling. Let’s look at a common tank configuration: an un-baffled cylindrical tank. If a mixer is center-mounted in this tank, what we see is a very inefficient flow pattern: the tangential velocities coming from the impeller cause the entire fluid mass to spin (Fig. 1).  Basically, the entire fluid (and its solids) moves like a merry-go-round. In solid suspension applications, the solid

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