mixing matters blog

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Mixing in water treatment
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: Low rpm, High Torque Mixing

Mixing 101: Low rpm, High Torque Mixing In the process industry, there’s a strong focus on power as the defining characteristic in mixing. Many considerations are often left by the wayside when choosing a mixer. These factors can make or break the application. Relying solely on the G-Value or velocity gradient in mixer design leaves important information out of the equation. Focusing on the G-Value gives rise to the misconception that horsepower, rather than torque, is the critical factor determining mixing effectiveness. This method is effective for applications requiring high-sheer and turbulent flow, but this isn’t always the case. High-speed mixing introduces a host of additional considerations based on fluid viscosity, flow patterns, and shearing. Mixing Categories Different types of

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Torque Explain Diagram
Mixer Configuration

Mixing 101: Torque and the Art of Mixing

What is torque… and what does it have to do with mixing? Selecting a mixer drive with a high horsepower rating doesn’t guarantee a satisfactory result in your application, and it doesn’t necessarily translate into a more powerful mixer either. Horsepower is merely a measurement of the rate at which work is done – or how much input power a motor has. Simply throwing more horsepower at an application may make a mixer’s impeller turn faster, but it will also drive down efficiency, negatively impact your budget, and can even damage your product through shear. If the driving force of a mixer is rotational, then horsepower is secondary to torque as the force that drives the pumping and performs the

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Wine Factory Tanks
Mixing 101

Mixing 101: Optimal Tank Design

UNDERSTANDING HOW TANK DESIGN AFFECTS MIXING Apart from the actual mixer, the design of the mixing tank is the single most important factor in producing a successful result in any process. In order to allow optimal performance from a mixer’s impeller, it is essential to create an environment that supports both correct impeller positioning and appropriate liquid coverage of the impeller. Incorrect positioning negatively affects the performance of a mixer, the quality of a product, and may even be detrimental to the performance life of the mixer drive. When looking at tank designs, vertical cylindrical, and square or rectangular tanks are most common. In the process of selecting the optimal tank design for an application there are certain rules of

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Nitrifying Bacteria
Mixer Configuration

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification in Water Treatment Simply adding bacteria to a wastewater plant does not guarantee that they will achieve the targeted task of denitrification. To encourage their growth, it is essential to first establish an anoxic environment, and then introduce an anoxic mixer that has been optimized specifically for the process. The Denitrification Process Denitrification in wastewater treatment is the conversion of nitrate (N03) to nitrogen gas (N2). It is a process that involves the reduction of nitrogen present in waste streams to an acceptable level so the treated water can be discharged into the environment via streams, ponds, lakes, etc. Lowering nitrate levels in a waste stream is achieved through creating an anoxic environment in which heterotrophic

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Low RPM, High Torque Mixer
Mixing 101

Keeping Your Solids in Suspension

Optimized Solids Suspension Applications Achieving a uniform dispersion of solids in a product is critical to your product’s quality. In processes that mix solids in fluid, particulates that cannot dissolve in liquids will either sink to the bottom of the tank and collect in the corners, or stick together and agglomerate. This compromises product uniformity (product quality), and in extreme cases, can cause a system to malfunction or fail. The main objectives of solid and liquid solutions are: Avoiding solids accumulation in a stirred tank Maximizing the contact area between solids in a liquid Ensuring the solid particles are uniformly distributed throughout the tank The goal is to bring the mixture into specification and keep it there. This means keeping

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Wastewater Mixers in Water Treatment
Mixer Configuration

Selecting Wastewater Mixers for Wastewater Treatment – Part 1

Selecting Wastewater Mixers for Wastewater Treatment – Part 1 Wastewater Mixers for Optimal Chemical Preparation Chemical preparation in wastewater and water treatment directly impacts many downstream processes. Let’s take a look at several common chemicals used and some key factors that influence their preparation and the selection of wastewater mixers. Lime Slurry Preparation When preparing lime slurries for controlling pH, uniformity is critical. Why? Because lime solids must reach/stay in suspension if they are to serve their purpose in downstream processes. For this reason, it’s essential that wastewater and water treatment facilities have lime slurry mixers that can efficiently and effectively make up/maintain uniform slurries. In order to successfully suspend/re-suspend solids, a mixer needs to create a flow pattern that involves the entire

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