mixing matters blog

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Nitrifying Bacteria
Mixer Configuration

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification

Optimizing an Anoxic Mixer for Denitrification in Water Treatment Simply adding bacteria to a wastewater plant does not guarantee that they will achieve the targeted task of denitrification. To encourage their growth, it is essential to first establish an anoxic environment, and then introduce an anoxic mixer that has been optimized specifically for the process. The Denitrification Process Denitrification in wastewater treatment is the conversion of nitrate (N03) to nitrogen gas (N2). It is a process that involves the reduction of nitrogen present in waste streams to an acceptable level so the treated water can be discharged into the environment via streams, ponds, lakes, etc. Lowering nitrate levels in a waste stream is achieved through creating an anoxic environment in which heterotrophic

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Low RPM, High Torque Mixer
Mixing 101

Keeping Your Solids in Suspension

Optimized Solids Suspension Applications Achieving a uniform dispersion of solids in a product is critical to your product’s quality. In processes that mix solids in fluid, particulates that cannot dissolve in liquids will either sink to the bottom of the tank and collect in the corners, or stick together and agglomerate. This compromises product uniformity (product quality), and in extreme cases, can cause a system to malfunction or fail. The main objectives of solid and liquid solutions are: Avoiding solids accumulation in a stirred tank Maximizing the contact area between solids in a liquid Ensuring the solid particles are uniformly distributed throughout the tank The goal is to bring the mixture into specification and keep it there. This means keeping

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pH testing
Water Treatment

Neutralization Mixing for pH Control

Neutralization Mixing for pH Control Wastewater Treatment Neutralization Neutralization, also known as pH control, is the process of adjusting or maintaining a desired pH level in the wastewater. Generally, neutralization involves the introduction of chemicals to bring water to a neutral pH of 7.0: Acids with a pH less than 7.0 are used to lower the pH of a tank of basic liquid Bases or caustics with a pH higher than 7.0 are used to raise the pH of a tank of acidic liquid The objective of neutralization is to bring effluent wastewater to a neutral pH of 7.0, meaning neither acid nor base, making it suitable for discharge. The acceptable pH level of the discharge varies by location and

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Polymer Activation
Dynamix Products

Optimizing Polymer Mixing in Water and Wastewater Treatment

Optimizing Polymer Mixing in Water and Wastewater Treatment A major concern in water and wastewater treatment processes is identifying the most effective and efficient way to remove solid particles and other materials found in the liquid stream. The most effective method of eliminating unwanted contaminants is through the use of polymers in a sludge-creating process. Polymers are used to coagulate suspended solids and produce large curds of solid materials (floc) which are more easily removed from the water treatment stream. Polymers are available in a variety of forms and concentrations and are supplied as either dry powders or concentrated liquids.  Each variation presents unique challenges when sizing mixers. Dry Polymers: Polymers supplied in powder form must be wetted out which

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Polymer Activation
Industrial Mixing

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer

Mixing 101: 4 Factors for Configuring Your Fluid Mixer Considering Mixer Configuration If you’re in an industry that includes fluid mixing in its processes, you probably know that finding the right fluid mixer for your needs is critical to maintaining quality control, reducing costs, and optimizing efficiency. The key here is to engineer a fluid mixer that addresses the specific needs of your process. When configuring a mixer for your process, your mixing engineer should consider the following 4 factors: Factor #1 – Tank Type & Volume This determines the amount of fluid your tank can hold. This is important because it will determine the size and position of the fluid mixer and its mounting. Factor #2 – Viscosity This

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NMX Series Industrial Agitators
Industrial Mixing

Optimize Industrial Mixing with Proper Mixer Mounting

Optimize Industrial Mixing with Proper Mixer Mounting Challenges of Mixer Mounting In a perfect world, the only industrial mixing projects we would ever work on would be applications in cylindrical tanks where we could center-mount the mixer. That, of course,  is not typically the case. Instead,  factors such as environment, process design, tank design, and process objective require different mounts. For this, we offer our 40+ years of experience and engineering to develop mounting options to address almost every eventuality. Ultimately, the mounting option is dictated by the need to manage the reactionary force generated by the mixer’s torque at the fluid level inside the tank. High viscosity liquids, or large volume tanks that require large diameter impellers, are examples

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